
De musiki
Revisión del 17:54 10 jul 2020 de Luciano Azzigotti (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «((#css: #header-outer, #header-toc-header, #content-footer, #mw-footer, #content-nav, #last-edit, #mw-normal-catlinks { display: none; } body, html { /* overflow:…»)
(difs.) ← Revisión anterior | Revisión actual (difs.) | Revisión siguiente → (difs.)


  1. header-outer,
  2. header-toc-header,
  3. content-footer,
  4. mw-footer,
  5. content-nav,
  6. last-edit,
  7. mw-normal-catlinks


   display: none;


body, html { /* overflow: hidden; */

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  1. main-outer, #content-header{

margin: 0; padding:0; }

.mw-body { background: #000; padding:0; }

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/* background-color: #333; /* Black background color */ position: fixed; /* Make it stick/fixed */

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 transition: top 1s; /* Transition effect when sliding down (and up) */


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 background-color: #000;
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 transition: transform 0.25s ease 0s;
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} .dw-pnl--pls:hover {

 -webkit-transform: scale(1.02);
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 border-radius: 5px;
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 height: 400px;

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} .dw-flp__pnl--frnt {

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} /**

 * Theming
  • /
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 text-align: right;

} .tx--center {

 text-align: center;

} body {

 font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

} h3 {

 margin-top: 0;

} /**

  • Colors
  • /

.bd--black {

 border: 4px solid #000;

} .bg--black {

 background-color: #000;

} .tx--black {

 color: #000;

} .bd--red {

 border: 4px solid #e74c3c;

} .bg--red {

 background-color: #e74c3c;

} .tx--red {

 color: #e74c3c;

} .bd--blue {

 border: 4px solid #FFFFFF;

} .bg--blue {

 background-color: #FFFFFF;

} .tx--blue {

 color: #000000;

} .bd--green {

 border: 4px solid #26a65b;

} .bg--green {

 background-color: #26a65b;

} .tx--green {

 color: #26a65b;

} .bd--grey {

 border: 4px solid #6c7a89;

} .bg--grey {

 background-color: #6c7a89;

} .tx--grey {

 color: #6c7a89;

} .bd--purple {

 border: 4px solid #8e44ad;

} .bg--purple {

 background-color: #8e44ad;

} .tx--purple {

 color: #8e44ad;

} .bd--white {

 border: 4px solid #ecf0f1;

} .bg--white {

 background-color: #ecf0f1;

} .tx--white {

 color: #ecf0f1;

} /**

  • Images
  • /

img {

 max-height: 300px;

} img.dw-pnl__cntnt, img.dw-flp__pnl {

 padding: 0;

} img.dw-flp__pnl {

 max-height: 100%;

} @-webkit-keyframes fade {

 from {
   opacity: 0;
 to {
   opacity: 1;

} @keyframes fade {

 from {
   opacity: 0;
 to {
   opacity: 1;



acerca de una canción online

A boca tapada
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A boca tapada
Gonzalo Ledo
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Versión 2.1
Versión 2.1
Versión 2.1
Marco Erijman
Maximiliano Cardillo y Darío Guaraz
Entes Desconectados
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Entes Desconectados
Ana Badino y Camila La Rosa
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Una canción online elultimofinal
Una canción online elultimofinal
Leonardo Zamboni